Our desire is for all congregants to personally encounter God afresh, bask in His love, seek for His mercy and enjoy His forgiveness as we corporately come into His presence to be renewed and transformed. We believe that our whole life should be a sacrifice unto God, our Sunday service is where that is reinforced.
Praise and Worship play an important role in our service. We celebrate God through songs led by our worship team members. Joy, thanksgiving and liberty shape our services. Congregants are encouraged to freely worship in their own way. Other ways of participation include testimonies, word of encouragement, word or revelation or a song.
The goal of the Sunday sermon is not just to give information about the Bible, but to equip and give practical advice about living out our faith on a daily basis just as Christ did. God's word change people, it encourages, it heals, it brings clarity and insight amongst other benefits. These are what we desire to see as the Holy Spirit move in our midst.
Expect the Holy Spirit to speak to you personally through the message. You can hardly receive if you do not approach God with an expectant heart that is yielded unto Him in humility. We celebrate the Holy Communion on the first Sunday of the month.